Wednesday, May 21, 2008

wedding talk etc.

Randi inspired me. I haven't written any new blogs for almost a year now, and that's just pathetic. I don't even have a good excuse - she has a new baby for God's sake.

So this whole wedding thing.. I had a dream the other night that my wedding (which is at 7pm in real life) had for some reason been moved to 11am. In my dream it was about 10:30 and I was freaking out because nobody would stop watching tv and get in the damn car. So after I started getting them moving lethargically, I decided to try on some dresses. Let's see, do I want to wear the shiny blue dress? The big white dress? Or THIS PERFECT RED FLAMENCO DRESS? Well, what do you think I chose? Apparently I want a flamenco dress to get married in..? So I woke up like "what did I eat last night?"

I can't shake it - I think I don't like my wedding dress. Is that terrible? Nobody tell my Mom! I'm thinking about getting it significantly altered. I may dye it red - KIDDING. Wouldn't that be awesome though? A giant RED wedding dress? I once swore I would get married in turquoise sequins but I believe that my father would kill me.

In the meantime, my Mother has taken a leave of absence from her job in order to help move my grandparents into assisted living. This is lovely of her. I feel resentful that she is not staying to help me with this wedding. Another reason I am a terrible hateful daughter.

ps my stepmother is doing so much for the wedding and she is amazing. I am very lucky and grateful that I have her. Who knew?? Remember back when she used to passive agressively yell at me through my Dad for leaving my damp towels on the bathroom floor, and that time I became a vegetarian and she threw her plate down on the table and said "Well, I guess you will just have to COOK your OWN DINNER then!" and then slammed her bedroom door. We've come a mighty long way since then.

That's the same stepmom that has been collecting "crinkly metal candle holders" since December, and purchased white, outdoor Christmas lights in bulk when they were on sale in January. Amazing!

I'm looking forward to getting past the wedding part and onto the marriage part! Especially buying a house next year. I am through with this apartment. It has two bedrooms that we store things in and we live in the basement - it's too bizarre. We're just ready for a new space I think. The kitties want to move too, they need a big yard to play in.

I need neighbors that don't smoke.