Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year in Review

Well it's New Year's Eve again.. and I'm sitting on the couch watching it on tv like last year. My honey always plays in a band at Timberline Lodge and I try not to go if possible. It seems that my options as an old married lady are not looking too good this year, so instead of getting all dressed up for nobody in particular I will write to you about my 2008.

And what a year 2008 has been!

I joined weight watchers, joined a gym, got a personal trainer, got engaged, worked, planned a wedding, worked, turned 31, planned a wedding, went to Yakima about 25 times, trained for a triathlon, got injured, quit weight watchers, worked some more, volunteered, started Take Shape For Life (my diet), helped my Mom move, worked, went to Yakima again, had fun with my friends, worked, planned a wedding, GOT MARRIED, went on a honeymoon in Maui, opened a crap load of presents, worked, watched my cousin Alison get married, said goodbye to my Grandma, had a super fun Thanksgiving and Christmas, and ultimately lost 67 lbs as of today.

What does 2009 hold for me?

I plan to finish losing weight - only 43 lbs to go! I plan to start my triathlon training again, start graduate school, buy a new house, and the rest is TBD.. I plan to have as much fun as possible and not take things so seriously.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

2 more weeks

I get married in two weeks. I'm a wreck. I cried yesterday. I cried today. Maybe I'll get it out of my system and I won't be quite so sentimental on the day. Maybe it's PMS.

On the up side, I'm taking care of ME! We got home late last night from Jolene and Ryan's beautiful wedding at Trout Lake, WA (Mt. Adams) and I was just exhausted. We cleaned all day yesterday morning, and then drove up there and back.. etc. etc. So I didn't set an alarm to get up for my walking group this morning. I woke up magically at 6:30am and thought "well, I'm awake!" so I climbed out of bed and got dressed and made it there just in time to join the group. It was a cool, cloudy morning along the Columbia River, but perfect for an early morning walk. I'm so out of shape since my triathlon training ended abruptly but I plan to get it back. It's been interesting seeing how my body responds to exercise on a low cal diet. I am definitely at a disadvantage, but I won't let it stop me. I just have to work back up my stamina and strength.

I'm really looking forward to this fall and 20 more lbs lost! I've joined a weight loss challenge to lose 20 more by Oct. 1st and I know I can do it. I'll be cutting it close, but at 3 lbs per week for 8 wks I should be able to lose 24. OH MY GOSH I just realized that's my 50 lb weight loss goal! What a great coincidence. That really gives me something to work for and look forward to! I'll definitely need new pants. :)

This is becoming a novel, and Mark and I are going off to the farmer's market..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

An Open Letter To Wine

Dear Wine,

I know we've been apart for over a week now - almost two but hey, who's counting right? - and I want to tell you that I don't need you anymore. I know this is hard to hear, but I think it's time I told you. I've moved on.

I've found something better for me. When I'm with it, I feel like I have some control, like I'm not just with it because of how cool it makes me look, or how popular it makes me feel. I'm with it because it really cares about me. It's helping me get my life together in a way that you only scoffed at. It's called Medifast.

I think Medifast and I will be together for a long time, and you and I won't be able to see each other while Medifast and I are together. Eventually, my relationship with Medifast will have to change - I may come back to you once in awhile as a friend, and see if you want to spend a little time together. But I will never have you in my life as a crutch, like I have since we first met. Our relationship will be different. I will only have you around when you respect me, and respect my boundaries. I don't need you to be cool. I don't need you around to make my friends for me. I can be my real self without you and I don't need to feel ashamed or embarrassed when I tell people that I don't want you.

For awhile, when I tell people we're taking a break from each other, they might have questions. I might tell them I'm taking a "vacation" from you. My Mom told me today that she thinks I may not ever miss you at all once I've rid myself of you completely. I may never even want to be friends again. She may be right, because I don't like how much control I've let you have over my life and I plan to never let you manipulate me like that again.

You can tell your friends Cheese, Salami, and Crackers that the same goes for them. You all need to give me some space for awhile. I cried my last tears over you today, and I won't be looking back.

Best Wishes,

an update to "Diet"ribe

A few posts ago or so I described my sense of failure with Weight Watchers. I mentioned that I was considering doing Take Shape For Life.. I have just finished my 6th week on TSFL and I've lost 21 lbs. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! I can shout it from the mountaintops - I love this program.

My first goal is to lose a total of 25 lbs by my wedding in 2 1/2 wks. I think I may actually get down under that goal - that's just crazy!

I'm averaging 3.4 lbs lost per week - so that would mean I would lose more like 6 or 7 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. It really is possible, it really is working. I can't believe it's working! I just do what they tell me, poof the weight comes off.

I did write a hilarious letter where I broke up with wine. I should really post that here. I'll go get it..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"hand cancel"

Who ever thought of such a thing as "hand cancelling" your own stamps on your wedding invitations. I read about this today, and it totally boggles my mind.

Instead of sending your wedding invitations or other important and pretty mail through the machine that stamps where it came from and all that jazz, you can ask to "hand cancel" them yourself, or sometimes I guess the post office will do it for you.

All of that to not get a little ink smudge on your MAIL that you are sending out. I saw a photo of each, and I suppose it does look a little nicer and cleaner. But HOLY COW GIRLS - is it that serious? Will I be a lesser bride if I don't do it? Will anyone notice???

How far am I willing to go, here?! I already have a chandelier, 30 paper lanterns in various sizes, a live funk band, and we're making a cd for our wedding favor. Enough is enough - I WILL NOT hand cancel my invitations. I won't do it! I'm taking a stand!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

a chandelier?

It appears that I have been talked into having a crystal chandelier topped with flowers over my head during my wedding.

Now, nobody helping with the wedding actually *HAS* said chandelier. Nobody wants to *PURCHASE* the chandelier. And nobody seems to know where you *FIND* a chandelier.

So, today Mark and I made a valiant effort to find a vintage one at a really cool place called Rejuvenations where they salvage cool stuff from buildings that are getting demolished for whatever reason. They didn't have one.

We went to Larry's Lighting Repair, which as far as I can tell is a very tiny house that is never open. All we got there was a nasty look from a lady driving too fast in the empty parking lot.

Then I came home and looked online. The guy at Rejuvenations said to check out Globe Lighting - a chain that hosts a few stores in our area.

I may have found one! More on this tomorrow...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

blog frenzy!

I've been reading so many blogs lately. It makes me feel a little inadequate. Especially this one: - she is amazing.

Since I've been getting ready for the wedding, I've also been reading this cool wedding blog, which incidentally, there are very few Portlanders or even NWsters reading. It's - send to all pre-brides immediately. It will save their lives as it has saved mine. And it also gives us fiances (or "Beyonces" as Mark and I like to call ourselves) a place to obsess without ruining all of our friendships and working relationships.

I read Randi's blog, but since she's really the only one who reads my blog, it seems silly to post it here. But just in case someone randomly reads this - she's very funny, and she's my bff from high school in Yakima, WA. Yes, back in the day when we had giant bangs and listened to Bel Biv Devoe.

There are other blogs, but those are my favorite today. Please feel free to post and tell me your favorite blogs, oh mythical readers!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Ok people. I have been on weight watchers since December and guess how much weight I've lost. 10 lbs. Guess how much I've gained. 10 lbs. That's right, I've lost NOTHING in over 6 months. I'm trying to decide if I just keep on trying with WW or if it's time to find a new diet. I'm leaning towards doing a complete meal replacement plan and seeing if it works for me. I've researched it online and I can't find a single person that has anything nasty to say. If you find something, let me know. So what I'm considering trying is called Take Shape For Life. It's kind of a low carb, low calorie thing, but it doesn't look any different than any other diet as far as I can tell. The one thing I've noticed is rapid weight loss and really happy people. I personally know 3 people that are doing it and they are ecstatic.

My WW Group are really really nice people, and I love the leader, but I just can't give them my $13 a week anymore and not lose weight. I just think I need to remove the thinking from this process and eat the prepackaged food (just like going through the drive through, only healthier) and take my sense of choice out of it. I'm a mess. I have to lose over 100 lbs and I'm just not doing it! Please help me TSFL!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

wedding talk etc.

Randi inspired me. I haven't written any new blogs for almost a year now, and that's just pathetic. I don't even have a good excuse - she has a new baby for God's sake.

So this whole wedding thing.. I had a dream the other night that my wedding (which is at 7pm in real life) had for some reason been moved to 11am. In my dream it was about 10:30 and I was freaking out because nobody would stop watching tv and get in the damn car. So after I started getting them moving lethargically, I decided to try on some dresses. Let's see, do I want to wear the shiny blue dress? The big white dress? Or THIS PERFECT RED FLAMENCO DRESS? Well, what do you think I chose? Apparently I want a flamenco dress to get married in..? So I woke up like "what did I eat last night?"

I can't shake it - I think I don't like my wedding dress. Is that terrible? Nobody tell my Mom! I'm thinking about getting it significantly altered. I may dye it red - KIDDING. Wouldn't that be awesome though? A giant RED wedding dress? I once swore I would get married in turquoise sequins but I believe that my father would kill me.

In the meantime, my Mother has taken a leave of absence from her job in order to help move my grandparents into assisted living. This is lovely of her. I feel resentful that she is not staying to help me with this wedding. Another reason I am a terrible hateful daughter.

ps my stepmother is doing so much for the wedding and she is amazing. I am very lucky and grateful that I have her. Who knew?? Remember back when she used to passive agressively yell at me through my Dad for leaving my damp towels on the bathroom floor, and that time I became a vegetarian and she threw her plate down on the table and said "Well, I guess you will just have to COOK your OWN DINNER then!" and then slammed her bedroom door. We've come a mighty long way since then.

That's the same stepmom that has been collecting "crinkly metal candle holders" since December, and purchased white, outdoor Christmas lights in bulk when they were on sale in January. Amazing!

I'm looking forward to getting past the wedding part and onto the marriage part! Especially buying a house next year. I am through with this apartment. It has two bedrooms that we store things in and we live in the basement - it's too bizarre. We're just ready for a new space I think. The kitties want to move too, they need a big yard to play in.

I need neighbors that don't smoke.