Sunday, August 03, 2008

2 more weeks

I get married in two weeks. I'm a wreck. I cried yesterday. I cried today. Maybe I'll get it out of my system and I won't be quite so sentimental on the day. Maybe it's PMS.

On the up side, I'm taking care of ME! We got home late last night from Jolene and Ryan's beautiful wedding at Trout Lake, WA (Mt. Adams) and I was just exhausted. We cleaned all day yesterday morning, and then drove up there and back.. etc. etc. So I didn't set an alarm to get up for my walking group this morning. I woke up magically at 6:30am and thought "well, I'm awake!" so I climbed out of bed and got dressed and made it there just in time to join the group. It was a cool, cloudy morning along the Columbia River, but perfect for an early morning walk. I'm so out of shape since my triathlon training ended abruptly but I plan to get it back. It's been interesting seeing how my body responds to exercise on a low cal diet. I am definitely at a disadvantage, but I won't let it stop me. I just have to work back up my stamina and strength.

I'm really looking forward to this fall and 20 more lbs lost! I've joined a weight loss challenge to lose 20 more by Oct. 1st and I know I can do it. I'll be cutting it close, but at 3 lbs per week for 8 wks I should be able to lose 24. OH MY GOSH I just realized that's my 50 lb weight loss goal! What a great coincidence. That really gives me something to work for and look forward to! I'll definitely need new pants. :)

This is becoming a novel, and Mark and I are going off to the farmer's market..

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